Eastman & Smith Ltd
The Eastman and Smith team provides legal services to both individual and corporate clients in a variety of backgrounds, including publicly-held corporations; privately-held commercial, industrial, manufacturing and service businesses of all sizes; public employers; professional practices; hospitals and related health care institutions; financial institutions; construction companies; and insurance carriers. Just as in 1844, we are committed to serving our clients to the best of our abilities. This commitment has not, and will not, change.
Eastman & Smith Ltd
1 SeaGate - 24th floor
Toledo OH 43699-0032
Tel: 419 241-6000
Fax: 419 247-1777
Real Estate Law
Eastman & Smith Ltd.'s real estate practice encompasses all phases of real estate law, including, acquisitions and sales, zoning and land use planning, development, real estate financing, bond financing, tax incentives, leasing, owner associations and real estate brokerage law. Our real estate attorneys utilize a teamwork approach in working with other professionals involved in a matter, including title examiners, surveyors, civil engineers, lenders, accountants, real estate agents and government officials. Also we are able to bring in firm litigators, who are well versed in contested real estate matters, as the need arises.
We serve clients ranging from individuals and entrepreneurs to international conglomerates on a wide range of real estate related projects. Although we have significant experience with large complex real estate transactions, a considerable amount of our experience involves handling the real estate needs for small businesses and developers.
