Joanne F Gall
Certified Specialist in:
* Estate Planning
* Probate
* Trusts
* Wills
* Financial Powers of Attorney
* Powers of Attorney for Health Care
* Living Wills
* Elder Law
Also Practicing in the Areas of:
* Real Estate
* Small Business
Law Office of Joanne F Gall
Attorney at Law Ltd
2828 W Central Ave #9
Toledo OH 43606
Tel: 419 474-5678
How can quality Estate Planning help you?
No matter what the size of your estate is, it is worthwhile to review your assets with a professional. Those who have substantial net worth or stock and bond portfolios usually benefit from the services of a financial planner.
The role of the attorney in the estate planning process is two-fold:
Review how the assets are titled and advise whether they should be held in trust, in survivorship with one or more people, with a transfer on death designation (or "payable on death"); or solely in the person's name with no beneficiary.
Review the person's assets to discuss how to minimize taxes for themselves and their heirs.
A little planning can save thousands of dollars, either in administrative costs or in tax savings. I use a sliding scale for fees for estate planning, making it affordable to plan for estates of all sizes.
