Robison Curphey & O'Connell LLC
Law Firm serving clients throughout Ohio & Michigan
Navigating through the ever changing, complex terrain of the law. It requires expert practitioners who fully understand the intricacies of the law – the best routes and the potential pitfalls – and have a track record of guiding their clients through the legal landscape expeditiously and effectively. At Robison, Curphey & O’Connell, we have been dedicated to providing our clients with comprehensive, quality legal representation for over 130 years. With our distinguished tradition of experience – local to international in scope – plus a team of legal professionals, and a long and diverse client roster, RC&O has the proven legal leadership needed to guide you in your legal challenges.
Robison Curphey & O'Connell LLC
4 SeaGate - 9th floor
Toledo OH 43604
Tel: 419 249-7900
Fax: 419 249-7911
Our Real Estate Section provides a broad range of services in matters related to acquisition, financing, development, leasing and sale of real property. We provide our clients with legal services at all phases of real estate projects including the planning, identification and acquisition of a site that fits the unique requirements of a particular project and obtaining governmental approvals necessary for such projects.
Our lawyers have played significant roles in the development and financing of major real estate projects throughout northwestern Ohio and southeastern Michigan including development of major industrial and commercial parks, shopping centers, office buildings, residential developments and industrial sites.
We have experience in real estate issues ranging from large industrial and commercial site development involving sophisticated ownership and financing structures to the simplest residential real estate transaction. We know, however, that every real estate matter entrusted to us, regardless of the size or complexity, is equally important to the client involved. We, therefore, bring the same level of skill and attention to each matter we handle.
