Roetzel & Andress
Roetzel & Andress is a law firm with 12 offices located in Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo, Ohio; Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Naples, Orlando, and Tallahassee, Florida; New York and Washington, DC. Our 210 attorneys provide comprehensive, integrated legal counsel to help our clients achieve business goals.
Roetzel & Andress
1 SeaGate #1700
Toledo OH 43604
Tel: 419 242-7985
Fax: 419 242-0316
Intellectual Property
We believe that behind every success, is a team working in unison. We value the relationships with our clients and make every effort to keep our clients abreast of the issues in their case. Our Intellectual Property (IP) Team will work closely with your team to understand your company's goals and expectations. We will work with you to determine the best strategy for achieving these goals, each step of the way.
Our IP attorneys and patent agents have extensive experience in all technical industries, along with experience in private industry and top international law firms. Their backgrounds include undergraduate, graduate or doctorate degrees in electrical and mechanical engineering, chemistry, computer science, physics and math. In addition, most of our attorneys are registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Our IP Team's previous experiences allows us to provide our clients with a unique combination: exceptional talent and experience, with the personalized attention you would expect from a boutique firm.
Our clients are global industry leaders in electronics, mechanics, chemistry, pharmaceuticals and computer technologies, with well-known products in home appliances, semiconductors, medical devices, pharmaceuticals and consumer products. We have found that a strategic analysis of our clients' IP portfolio helps our clients obtain and maintain the most value for their IP assets.
