Roetzel & Andress
Roetzel & Andress is a law firm with 12 offices located in Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo, Ohio; Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Naples, Orlando, and Tallahassee, Florida; New York and Washington, DC. Our 210 attorneys provide comprehensive, integrated legal counsel to help our clients achieve business goals.

Roetzel & Andress
1 SeaGate #1700
Toledo OH 43604
Tel: 419 242-7985
Fax: 419 242-0316


The Immigration Law attorneys at Roetzel provide a broad spectrum of services in immigration and nationality law to businesses and individuals, including immigrant and non-immigrant visas, temporary visas, labor certifications, and petitions for permanent residency and naturalization.

In a dynamic area of the law, our attorneys monitor all changes in immigration law and counsel our clients on any new developments. A number of our attorneys speak fluent German, French, Spanish, Greek, Italian, Arabic, or Macedonian.
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